CarboNet™ in the News

H20 Global News highlights the increasing importance of water conservation, and spotlights CarboNet as a high-performance method for contaminant removal in wastewater for effective recycling.

In a recent industry feature, H20 Global News highlights the increasing importance of water conservation, and spotlights CarboNet as a high-performance method for contaminant removal in wastewater for effective recycling.

In interviews with our CTO, Michael Carlson, and CCO, Amielle Lake, we share CarboNet’s origin story, distill how the technology works, and explore future applications to meet critical needs across a number of industries.

The far reaching impact of the technology is described as an innovative way of looking at the challenges of global water preservation. It’s our aim to amplify the new economics of water treatment to drive wastewater recycling in more emarkets to meet their growing demand.

Read the full article from H20 Global News